
once upon a time...

In the not-too-distant future, people could connect to a machine to get rid of their boring daily routines, go to simulations of different time zones, and have adventures. This machine changed many people's lives and allowed them to explore unexplored worlds in resurgent histories.

Our characters were one of the biggest fans of this new technology. They chose a world for their first expedition, which was none other than Lidre: Tower Defense. They went inside after getting drunk with a lot of friends.

While our characters enjoy these experiences, they also became more connected to each other. Thanks to the machine, their past adventures strengthened their relationship and brought them closer together in the future.

They didn't know where to live their next adventure, but all they knew was that this technology would open up endless opportunities for them to experience even greater exploration...


The Lidre art process began in October of 2022.

From the beginning, we knew that we had to be different. The majority of generative collections seemed boring and uninspiring. A good product must have original art. It's a dangerous road, but we knew we could make it.

The Base Characters

The Collection

  • Have a Lidre PFP that everyone can connect with on an emotional level

  • No ugly Lidre PFP

  • Even the low rarity must look cool

There will be 6654 epic PFPs in Lidre and there will be only 12 legendary 1/1s.

Last updated